Fairy tales

The Rabbit and Bumblebee Bet

ONE day a rabbit was sitting by the side of the road under a bunch
of nice grass and near him sat a bumblebee on a big yellow flower.
As they sat talking together they made a bet; the rabbit saying,
"I can swell up bigger than you can,
" the bumblebee replying, "You can not." 
So they decided to try. 

The rabbit swelled and swelled, and some one passing said, 
"Look at that rabbit, he looks as big as a wolf." 
Then the bumblebee puffed and puffed until some one passing said, 
"Look at that bumblebee, he looks as big as a yak,"
so he won the bet.

...from the Tibetan folk tales.

Tiger and Fox

One day said the tiger to the fox: "I hear, you are said to be the cleverest
of all creatures. Let us now enter into rivalry, and see which of us can roar
the loudest; for to him shall belong the chieftainship of the world."
The fox consented, and the two stood up alongside of each other. But as it was
for the tiger to roar first, he remained standing up, and did not notice how
the fox scraped a hole with his paws to hide his head in, so that his ears
might not be stunned by the tiger's roaring.

 Well, the tiger roared a roar which he thought must be heard from the top
of the world to the bottom of the world, and must certainly stun the fox.
But the fox, as soon as he knew the tiger's roar to be at an end, jumped
up out of the hole where he had been hiding his ears, and said:
"Why! I hardly heard you. You can surely roar louder than that.
You had better try again."

 The tiger was very angry at this; for he had expected that the fox
would be stunned to death. However he resolved to make another stil
l more tremendous effort. He did so, while the fox again hid his head
in the hole and the tiger burst his inside in the attempt.

 For this reason tigers never compete with the foxes again.

... tribal folk tales.

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